
Showing posts from 2010


One of my friend Sourabh Jain blogs over at . Do hop over and read. East Cost in US has been badly hit by the snow over the past 2 days. Some links to the sites hosting the photos are given below. The personal experience of this blizzard was pretty interesting with the 3 of us being first time snow drivers and all that. It took us 2 hours to reach our apartment from our friends place which normally would take 10 minutes. It involved a lot of shovelling, pushing the car, driving on the wrong lane, taking longer routes, stopping in the middle of the road and all that. Much fun was had and thankfully everyone was safe. Larry David's column in the NY Times regarding the t...


I started this blog a few years back but I hardly post anything. Its not that there are no subjects on which I can write on but I hardly feel the motivation to devote 30-60 minutes everyday to actually write something. Also, my writing is pretty average so I do not want to subject my few friends to torture who read this blog on a regular basis. When I started this blog, I thought I will write about varied subjects and I will write them regularly. But whenever I think of writing, the words do not seem to flow. Also, limited grammar and a limited vocab do not help towards the cause of writing. I used to write what I think is poetry too but it used to be so bad that I laugh at them myself whenever I turn the pages. Actually, I am not sure why I am suddenly rambling about writing. The above ramblings are totally incoherent and I cannot even blame alcohol for it.


One of the new blogs which I have been following recently is of Deepak Iyer . He is a fellow who loves trekking; so that is one thing that makes me read his blogs. He had been to Peru and Mexico in the last few months. One can read his experience of Peru over here and his Mexico escapades over here . Do read them. I recently missed going to Ecuador with Abhilash but surely, I would follow one advice which Deepak gives about travelling which is to travel alone. I have travelled alone a far bit in India but have never done that outside India. So, this is one experience which I want to have as soon as possible. Hopefully, I plan something for the coming summer.

Request for Help

One of Mattu's acquaintance is suffering from Multiple Myeloma (a form of blood cancer). Her condition is serious and she needs a stem cell match immediately.  Her family has launched a site to help them out in their search.   Please spread the word; see if we can help her. More information for Multiple Myeloma is available at and


A nice article about consulting work. The below lines touched a chord. What I learned is that burning out isn’t just about work load, it’s about work load being greater than the motivation to do work. It was relatively easy to drag myself to classes when I thought I was working for my own betterment. It was hard to sit at a laptop and crank out slides when all I seemed to be accomplishing was the transfer of wealth from my client to my company. Read the entire article here. Another article about the rock scene journalism in India at Tehelka . Do not agree with everything but one can give it a quick read. Barcelona thrashed Real Madrid 2-0 in what was billed to be the game of the year. Everyone praised Messi but the real star for some was Xavi. If ever the word "underated" deserved to be tagged to someone, it is Xavi. A good article on Xavi's performances at guardian blog . And another one at Zonalmarking.

Quote of the Day

The older I get, the more impressed I am by the importance of human diversity. We're all so different  and a good thing, too. We need all kinds of people. We need people who can express their emotions (actors, for example) and people who can control their emotions (surgeons, for example); we need people who are doers and pushers, people who make things happen. We also need people who are reflective, caring and intuitive. We need people who are interested in things, and people who are interested in people. We need all the traditional opposites: artists and critics, coaches and players, bosses and underlings. Male and female. And somehow, we've just got to get along.  - Michael Crichton

Google's shift with respect to China

This is massive news at least for the folks who had started wondering if Google had crossed over to the other side. Google takes a new approach to China business   We would need to wait and watch for the events to unfold and see how the Chinese government reacts to this. Wonder if Indian companies too will take such a stand in the near future and refuse to do business with authorities who are corrupt in nature.