God is One??

I always keep hearing people say 'God is One','God is One'..

But, in my new religion 'God is Zero'




Puneet said…
hey buddy, nice thought...
if can interpret it then god is zero because by saying that god is one we give him a physical form or make him in dfferent positions..
but as zero is the beginning of the maths ..
god is the beginning of the world..
your theology has made a valid reason..
great to see such...
have a nice day...
FlyingHigh said…
So India invented God?

Er..how many blogs do you have? I am confused!
Anonymous said…
Wow, didn't know that!
Ajitkumar Wagle said…
You are right. In this world where the human values are zero,the GOD who is supposed to have created this world should also be a "Zero"
Prithi Shetty said…
Wish you a very Happy New Year !

Do you have a new blog again ?
As If said…
And don't you think u have attained tht stage of zero so in effect u now represent GOD!!! That explains ur spreading of new religion :)
HP said…

Nice thoughts Dude..I was just trying to have a little fun :-)


hehe..Good One..But, I think God definitely is an Indian creation..And we have lots of them, I mean the Hindus have lots of Gods and God men..


Bowing before thee..


Didn't get you..But it's ok over here..


A wonderful new year to you too..nopes..I have been here for a long time now..


ssshh...Don't say that loud..I have lots of competitors :-)

GuNs said…
you've got multiple blogs? Where do you write most of your posts? Gimme the link man, I only have this blog of yours in my list.

HP said…

I do post at some group blogs but all my posts are cross-posted over here. So, I guess you will always find all my posts over here.

Diganta said…
What's the problem if God is infinity?

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