Just Another Stupid Post

Was discussing with some friends yesterday about my blog and how I have just created a blog and am not keeping it updated. So I decided to do a post today. This post is nothing but pure nonsense.
Just because I have been taught the 26 alphabets of the English Language, I am vomitting them in this post. Hopefully, all the alphabets are utilised while doing this post.
I like zebra crossings and doughnuts.
The above line was to take care that all alphabets are included in this post :-)



Anonymous said…
The letter q is not there
HP said…
hmmnn...It came in the comments section :-)

Aniket said…
Really bad language. U need to work on it pal. Take this as a constructive criticism. Dont start bad mouthing this comment of mine. But really, leaves a bad taste in da moutn after reading ur post. ATB.
HP said…
Thanks Aniket for your comments.
Will try to improve.

Anonymous said…
This one does take the cake!
HP said…
So, when do I get the prize!!


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