Thanks Team India

Thanks Team India for allowing me to sleep early. Heartfelt Thanks!!



Snehal said…
hey even i was cumin wid sumthing alog the same lines. I guess i shud hav let my mom and dad watxch their quota of daily soaps. Atleast more ppl wud hav been happier then
HP said…
aah..The problem at my home is that they would be the first ones who will be watching this...

Actually, my Mom should have thanked them. If they would have played well, the she would have stayed awake the whole night to watch the match :-)

kurt said…
# HP

Good post dude...
(i dont know, if they call it a post)

# Snehal
I acted smartly & didn't waste my time on the match...
I think they all need bamboo therapy...
until & unless tht happens they will never win...

Abhi said…

nice one liner .. i wld say :))

mattu said…
hey dudes
the only courageous girl to read ur blogs is back!
so chotte i strted wid ur blog coz u have all linx to others' blogs!

a little late but, good one :)
HP said…

We cant be smart when it comes to matters relating to heart :-)




A Big Round of Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to comment..Thanks a lot :-)
And guess what, I was gonna remind you today that you are pretty much inactive on the blogging front and viola, you leave a comment here..
Hope you start posting, atleast the humour quotient in the posts will go up :-)

Snehal said…
iss ____ ka hakkdaar mainn bhi hu (CAn remember the word in the blank so i left it blank). It wuz me who fwd the links of all or blogs to Mattu so tht we cud hav her dignified presence in all of them
HP said…

Aapko bhi Thanks :D

Sharique said…
LOL...i wonder what has happened to our team..i have even left following them!
HP said…

yahi par to Dil maar khaata hain...
I continue to support them and watch them but it gets painful at times..


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