My Votes : Indibloggies 2006
The polling is now open for Indibloggies. Go and vote now!
I have casted my votes and below are my choices for the particular categories.
The Indiblog of the Year 2006 ---- Random Thoughts of a Demented Mind
[ Recursive Hypocrisy was another choice for this category but guess, Nilu is above such awards ]
Best Designed IndiBlog ----
[ Megha comes a close second this time for moi but she won last year. So, a new winner this time :-) ]
Best IndiBlog directory/service/clique/network ----- Blogbharti
[ They have done an amazing job in bringing in limelight some blogs/posts which otherwise we would not have been able to find. ]
Best Entertainment Indiblog ----- Blogical Conclusion
Best Group/Community IndiBlog ------- INI Signal
[ Indian Muslims comes a close second ]
Best Humanities Indiblog ----- Falstaff
Most Humorous IndiBlog ----- Random Thoughts of a Demented Mind
[Gawker comes a distant second ]
Best New IndiBlog ------ Blogbharti
Best Indi Photoblog ----- Trivial Matters
Best Sports Indiblog ---- Sportolysis - The World Sports Blog
Best Topical IndiBlog ----- Mumbai Matters
[ Because Mumbai matters for me ]
Go ahead and cast your vote for your choices.
I have casted my votes and below are my choices for the particular categories.
The Indiblog of the Year 2006 ---- Random Thoughts of a Demented Mind
[ Recursive Hypocrisy was another choice for this category but guess, Nilu is above such awards ]
Best Designed IndiBlog ----
[ Megha comes a close second this time for moi but she won last year. So, a new winner this time :-) ]
Best IndiBlog directory/service/clique/network ----- Blogbharti
[ They have done an amazing job in bringing in limelight some blogs/posts which otherwise we would not have been able to find. ]
Best Entertainment Indiblog ----- Blogical Conclusion
Best Group/Community IndiBlog ------- INI Signal
[ Indian Muslims comes a close second ]
Best Humanities Indiblog ----- Falstaff
Most Humorous IndiBlog ----- Random Thoughts of a Demented Mind
[Gawker comes a distant second ]
Best New IndiBlog ------ Blogbharti
Best Indi Photoblog ----- Trivial Matters
Best Sports Indiblog ---- Sportolysis - The World Sports Blog
Best Topical IndiBlog ----- Mumbai Matters
[ Because Mumbai matters for me ]
Go ahead and cast your vote for your choices.
Thanks also - and I say this on behalf of the entire Blogbharti team - for your kind words on Blogbharti. Thank you for your visits - it matters to us !
All I can say is you truly deserve it and I hope that you end up as winners :-)