Is Israel Real?

The recent Israeli attacks on Lebanon has the world turning their eyes again to Middle East.

I always used to wonder how Israel managed to survive and grow amidst the mindless violence that has engulfed the area. And unlike many others, my sympathies lies with both the Israelis and Palestinians. The fact that the Muslim world still does not recognise Israel as a nation-state is bothering. And the plight of the Palestinians is very much real and moving.Is the current aggression justified?

Well, as most others think, the collateral damage that has taken place over there has tilted the balance against Israel. Then, the pictures of Israeli children sending death oops peace messages to the Lebanese people has incensed the general public further.

So, who is to blame here? The Israelis for trying to protect their citizens at any cost or the Lebanese people whose crime is that they have not put enough pressure on their government to rein in the terriorists. Maybe, the truth somewhere lies in the middle. Israel does need to protect its citizens but killing innocent civilians and resorting to mass bombings is no way to counter terrorism,IMHO. And the other Middle Eastern countries need to get out of their time-warp and understand/acknowledge the existence of Israel which will go a long way to bring peace to that place.

Read this comment at Gawker's blog.

Dave Barry once said:

"They can hold all the peace talks they want, but there will never be peace in the Middle East. Billions of years from now, when Earth is hurtling toward the Sun and there is nothing left alive on the planet except a few microorganisms, the microorganisms living in the Middle East will be bitter enemies."

Just hope that peace returns to the place which is home to three of the main religions of this world.


PS : Read Curious Gawker's take on the use of children in the recent conflict is over here.
Also, Confused tries to analyse the Israeli reaction over here.


As If said…
Get a bit into the history dude, there was no terrorism in Israel or the Middle East till 1967, thats when Israel with help of United States annexed Palestine, South Lebanon and Syria, agreed that the war was started by the Arab states as far as I know. But, after the war was over Israel stayed permanently into these territories where it should have moved out.

The whole thing in the middle east which is called as terrorism is a fight by the people of these annexed territories to acheive freedom from the Israeli/US rule. Since the world media has become more of a propoganda machine for US government and considering Israel is more part of the US, you cannot call it a colony though. What the Arab's do is terrorism, what Israel and the US do is kidness and love or safety of it citizens.

The conflict has been there for 39 years and would be there for another century or so till the occupied territories are freed or all the Arabs in the region are completely bombed or wiped out.
As If said…
Something more of it, one man's terrorist is other's freedom fighter. When Palestine was under the British rule, later day Israeli leader's like Ariel Sharon, Yitzak Rabin et al were classified as terrorists by the British government. Later the same british government gave them legitmacy.
HP said…

A full post in response to this comment :-)

As If said…
Didn't get you, u asking me to post or you gonna post something on this?
HP said…

You can post too..
Me too will post. Just not getting enough time :-)


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