Let others cheer the winning man, there's one I hold worthwhile. Tis he who does the best he can, then loses with a smile. Beaten he is, but not to stay, down with the rank and file. For he shall win some other day, who loses with a smile.
Just Hope that the Indian team takes the field with a smile and leave the field with a smile.



Snehal said…
I guess this QOTD should apply more to Bermuda than India
Anonymous said…
i guess the indians have no option but to smile as much as they can, at least till the time they arrive in india, coz once they're here they'll seldom get a chance to do so!
HP said…

Now, it applies to India too :-)


Sincerely hope that they too get a reason to smile once they are back.

Anonymous said…
pls update ur blog with my latest at wordpress or add it as a new entry :)
HP said…

Done Maam :-0


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