World Cup Musings - Part 1

A Team Loses. A Coach Dies. Never before the phrase 'Its Just A Game" been explained to us so explicitly and cruelly!
I am just at a loss for words. Can't think or say anything about this. Hope the fans in the sub-continent understand now that in a game between 2, there is supposed to be one winner and a loser and if one does not lose, then the other cannot win. They are 2 sides of the same coin. And, just as we would like to be encouraged in our day to work/student life instead of being criticized continuously, the same applies to the players.

Sir, You lived well and played hard and fair! May the next world treat you better! RIP Woolmer.


Finally, it is proved that India and Pakistan are Brothers In Arms :-)


Can Someone please tell this man that we have this guy who can do some bowling too and also, does a good job when he is asked to!


Mohd. Kaif must be thanking his stars that he is not there in the current Indian line-up. The irate Indian fans now need to find someone else to vent their ire on. Oh Wait! They have already found one.


Somehow, I feel that Aussies don't have the firepower in their bowling line-up to win the Cup! Make no mistake, they have an excellent side; Its just that they don't have that someone who will just take the game away from the opponents by his exceptional bowling prowess! Lets wait and watch.


Lots of permutations and combinations have been thrown about as to if India can make it to the Super 8. Moi just thinks that we will not. The players look totally dejected and have gone flat. They are feeling the pressure and somehow, there is no person in sight who will put his hands up and say that he will absorb the pressure and help us propel to the next level. It is going to be an early exit for us. It would be disappointing to say the least but hopefully, lessons are learnt from this defeat and the exit.


It was totally wonderful to see the way the Bengal Tigers played against India. They bowled brilliantly, fielded outstandingly and there was a distinct quality to their batting. Before, the match started, while talking to my younger brother, I had referred to Iqbal and said that he is the player to watch for this tournament. He is fearless and has strokes to match his audacity. The way he left the crease to hit Zaheer over his head was just brilliant. The body language of both the teams was very much evident during the course of the match and the result just confirmed the obvious.


other Indians, I felt really sad to see Pakistan crashing out of the World Cup. They are one of the most enigmatic sporting teams in the world and it is always a pleasure to see them play. And, we will miss Inzi. A wonderful player and one of the few sports persons on the cricketing field. The cricketing arena will miss him but he deserved a better exit that this. Alas!!


Ok, My two cents on the recent spat between Sunny and the Aussies. Yes, it was insensitive of Sunny to speak about David Hookes. But, now we hope the Aussies also understand as to how people feel when personal attacks are made on the cricket field in the name of sledging. Do Border and Darren remember the time on the field when Cairns was taunted about his dead sister? The bottomline is that it is alright to make some taunts about his cricketing abilities but it is not at cool to bring his family into the spat. Hope the Aussies understand it now.


GuNs said…
I really DO WISH these bloody Australian idiots tried out their antics in a bar back home in Australia. We'd be rid of some useless nuisances on the cricketing arena for some time to come.

As for Sunny, he's a pretty lame guy too but I support his comments on the Australian players. I mean, there is SOME difference between cricket and rugby and just because Rugby is the most popular Australian sport does not mean that they should carry their practices over to the cricketing field.

I seriously think the ICC should have stricter laws against sledging and allow the on-field umprires to give offending players a spot-fine similar to a yellow/red card in football.

Anonymous said…
Too bad the dear coach died, if it has anything to do with the Paki team being'll bring sheer shame to the game...And yes our lads lost too, but then they weren't just good enough....
btw moi thinks that nzealand will win the world cup :P some strange reason - naah not only becoz stephen flemming and shane bond are gud looking!! although aussies prabal davedaars.....but just a hunch :)
mattu baba ki jai!

P.S Too bad we won't get to see mandira's hot sarees in EI .... :( coz i have noticed tht she wears sarees only when there's a india match on... sad che
HP said…

Yep..Moi too believe that there should be stricter sledging rules...Personal abuse does not have a place on the cricket field. Period.


NZ..hmmn...And, I don't begrudge you supporting them..Shane Bond might be the most good looking policeman in the world :-)


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