Just Another Rant

I read the below lines in Chandrachoodan Gopalakrishnan's blog. He had transalted a few lines of Bhaarathi in his post. Loved the lines and hence, I asked him permission to just use the translated verse in my blog and he was kind and gracious enough to let me use them.
First, the lines
Fear not my soul. Fear not
Fear not when the world unites against
Fear not the derisive stares and the looks cold
Fear not the vagrant’s life,
When you’ve lost everything you hold

Fear not my soul. Fear not
Fear not the seductress’s charms
Fear not the venom, nor the burning tongue
Fear not the enemy, taking up arms

Fear not my soul. Fear not.
When the world around you comes crashing down.

After, he gave permission I wondered why not write a few lines about Bhaarati. First heard about Bhaarathi in school and was pretty impressed by a guy who was a nationalist poet. Dont know much about him as such, but a quick search in google brings up the below pages. Do go through them. They offer something that many of us dont know and are pretty ignorant about.

Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

Link 4

Now, when I think about the history of India, I really feel whether we have been shortchanged by our education system. Why our books don't mention more about such heroes. There might have been such prominent people from every corner of the region but only Gandhi,Nehru dominated our history books. And, the less said about the language books, the better.

Would like to mention Arnab's post in a similar context.

Why our books in our school / colleges are ignorant about people who really can make a impact on young minds. Also, teachers rarely try to involve students with the history of the nation. Invariably, a majority of the people are ignorant about the history of their country / literature.

And no, this post is not going to be about our entire education system as such but some thoughts came into my mind which I allowed them to spill over to the blogworld.

I know this post come across like an half-baked cake(similar to the other posts, you say) but then they will appear that way till the time I learn to write properly again :-)



mattu said…
Good post dost, but the unsung heroes not being included even in da texts is more to do with da education system.Where cramming n finishing portions is more important, no1 gives a damn to substance in education.It's sad i know...but it's been this way...
HP said…

You are right and that is the sad part!

kurt said…
Things are changing now.
India is adapting the Western cultures where importance is given to the education other than completing the portions.

Mebbe we can see more concerte changes in the future.

Though Wierd but a good blog dude
Keep posting
HP said…

May I know where are you seeing the changes!!

And I know the post is wierd, but thanks for liking it


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